July 15, 2024

Easy FX onboarding not just a pipe dream

Is easy onboarding possible for international payments?

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Is easy onboarding possible for international payments?

Businesses routinely describe onboarding and account set-up as complex, lengthy and highly frustrating. Companies tell us that simple and clear communication is the key to simplifying this process.

Over 40% of those we spoke with highlight clear, upfront descriptions of the process and requirements involved as the most crucial factor contributing to a more effortless and overall better onboarding experience.

With more than one in five businesses abandoning their account set up with a new provider over a lack of upfront communication, this seemingly simple factor can be challenging.

Having a digital set-up for document submission with personalised support for when they need it is also a priority for well over one in three businesses. Nearly half (46%) of companies in Hong Kong tell us this is critical to an easy account set-up.

Straightforward and streamlined processes, while being honest and upfront about what is involved, remove the sting of frustration from onboarding.

With communication a vital part of the relationship, onboarding can be easy!